Tuesday, September 16, 2008

spread the christmas spirit (tag #2)

chell, can you believe it, in my 3 years as a blogger, this is just my 2nd tag? but i don't mind, i'm not a very active blogger anyway. but thanks, i really appreciate it. :) i'm also eager to spread the christmas spirit!

How it works:

It’s so simple. Copy the photo below then write your blog and your wish this Christmas 2008. Your wish has to be something PRICELESS and SELF-LESS… something that money can’t buy… something that another person will treasure dearly.

since we're talking about family and warm wishes, i'd like to put the two together and pass this on to my loving hubby, who has sacrificed our physical presence to fulfill his duty as family provider. everyday, my wishes and love go out to him. during his last visit, he added that he wants me to pray for two particular things for him while he's staying in singapore. yes, tatay, i will do that po, everyday.

also to mia and gem... please do not let the chain end!

everyone, care to share your own christmas wishes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, now that the baby's coming, you'll have more reasons to blog :)