Thursday, September 21, 2006

i learned something (yesterday)…

…and I had to time to write about it only today. That you don’t take diatabs (or any other medicine for LBM) twice within 8 hours, or you’ll get constipated for who-knows-how-many-days.
Before you go “eeeww,” I hope you pick this up because it’s healthy advice. Generally, I have good toilet habits (as in everyday) and you could imagine how upset I was when I had LBM yesterday early morning (from I don’t know where). Aside from the hassle of going to the bathroom every so often, I had to worry about emergencies during my trip to school, and the pain too. So I took this reliable little tablet at 530 am, but it caught up with me again at around 10am! So I asked our school doctor if she can give me another one, and she gives me the advice I quoted above. Neither can she do anything for the “hilab ng tyan,” but she affirmed by decision to buy and take lots of Gatorade for rehydration. So I didn’t take another tablet.
That was yesterday.. can you guess what’s happening to me today?? Now for somebody like me, that’s eeeewww!!


Nancy said...

i learned something yesterday too.... or actually, the day before... that you can never talk to your bestfriend too much.. that even if you only spend so little time together now that you're busy running your own lives, you still get that warm and fuzzy feeling.... that it is still possible to understand each other's feelings without words... that our friendship is just so special to be bothered by time nor space... and i am very thankful for all of these....

i miss you a lot, nadine... godbless on everything.. i may have found other new loves, but nothing beats first love... you know what i'm talking about.


Anonymous said...

bongga! me on-line updates na kami about you. teka.. parang walang naka-mention dito about the church, where you'd spend your honeymoon etc., how many babies you'd have... he-he-he.. joke!!!